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Systems of Intelligence Through Pentaho's Lens

Systems of Record have had a well-established pipeline architecture with operational and analytic databases linked by traditional ETL tools. Customers and vendors are still working out exactly what that architecture will look like for Systems of Intelligence built on Big and Fast Data. This analytic data pipeline has to gather data from a wide variety of sources, perform ever more sophisticated analytics, and do it all with ever greater speed. Building this needs a coherent foundation.

We can see one choice that customers should make based on how they are organized and their objectives. If there is one organization that is responsible for data management infrastructure and a separate one that is responsible for analytic data feeds that operational applications consume, then the best fit is to have two systems. If there is a single organization to provide data integration and analytic data feeds, then the best fit is one system that incorporates data integration and analytics as well as orchestrating the whole process.

Systems of Intelligence Through Pentaho’s Lens

Systems of Record have had a well-established pipeline architecture with operational and analytic databases linked by traditional ETL tools. Customers and vendors are still working out exactly what that architecture will look like for Systems of Intelligence built on Big and Fast Data. This analytic data pipeline has to gather data from a wide variety of sources, perform ever more sophisticated analytics, and do it all with ever greater speed. Building this needs a coherent foundation.

We can see one choice that customers should make based on how they are organized and their objectives. If there is one organization that is responsible for data management infrastructure and a separate one that is responsible for analytic data feeds that operational applications consume, then the best fit is to have two systems. If there is a single organization to provide data integration and analytic data feeds, then the best fit is one system that incorporates data integration and analytics as well as orchestrating the whole process.

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