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Recipe For An IoT-Ready Analytic Pipeline

The analytic data pipeline is in the midst of a transition toward “converged” analytics. The new pipeline will encompass near real-time and batch responsiveness and span business intelligence and machine learning. Data will originate from smart, connected products (IoT). But analytics centralized in the cloud will make it possible to optimize their performance as part of a large ecosystem.

This new analytic pipeline will drive entirely new design decisions relative to traditional OLTP to data warehouse designs. IT directors must rethink pricing for databases that are going to handle the volume of data associated with IoT pipelines. Two new criteria need to be met: metered pricing that supports elastic workloads and open source brings pricing levels that can accommodate much higher data volumes. IT architects must leverage near real-time analytics that require a combination of stream processors and databases that can use machine learning to improve the operation of an ecosystem of smart, connected products.

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