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The Digital CIO: Communicating to the Board on Cyber Security

Leading CIOs are changing the way they communicate to their boards about cyber security by emphasizing response, not infiltration. Rather than solely focusing on how to thwart penetration, CIOs are treating cyber security as an integral part of business/service continuity and risk management agendas, with a priority on rapidly responding to critical breaches. This research note is based on data gathered through proprietary social analytics, extensive collaboration with CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and business executives; and is designed to assist CIOs in advancing security agendas with boards of directors.

2016 Wikibon Public Cloud Definitions

This document covers Wikibon’s definition of public cloud and is a companion piece to Wikibon’s 2016 Public Cloud update Our definitional framework aligns as much as possible with the NIST definition, but we acknowledge that “public cloud” means different things from vendor to vendor. However, in our view, this just indicates that public cloud is being leveraged from many different angles and is building significant momentum as it encompasses both product and service delivery mechanisms, pretty much penetrating into all aspects of information technology.

Growing Complexity In Adoption Dynamics Behind Wikibon's 2016 Big Data Forecast

Enterprises must navigate the universe of big data applications by recognizing that application platforms will alternately empower and constrain enterprises along a path of ever more sophisticated applications. Data lakes, intelligent systems of engagement, and self-tuning systems of intelligence all build on each other in terms of capabilities. But the underlying platforms will evolve in a cycle of simplicity, complexity from adaptive stretch, and simplicity again via a platform refresh.

Growing Complexity In Adoption Dynamics Behind Wikibon’s 2016 Big Data Forecast

Enterprises must navigate the universe of big data applications by recognizing that application platforms will alternately empower and constrain enterprises along a path of ever more sophisticated applications. Data lakes, intelligent systems of engagement, and self-tuning systems of intelligence all build on each other in terms of capabilities. But the underlying platforms will evolve in a cycle of simplicity, complexity from adaptive stretch, and simplicity again via a platform refresh.

Where Are The Big Data Performance Benchmarks?

Big data products and workloads remain too immature for standard benchmarks capable of providing truly comparable results. Users that need benchmarks for contracting or comparison purposes should run their own stylized workloads based on their intended usage scenarios.

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