Formerly known as Wikibon
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Introduction: Encrypting Oracle Workloads becomes Cost-effective and Mandatory

Wikibon believes that implementation of end-to-end encryption databases, and integrating the encryption processes with specialized encryption off-load functions is the only viable path forward for implementing truly secure systems with acceptable encryption overhead.

To be cost effective, systems with advanced offload encryption technologies with very low overheads are an important prerequisite for implementing best-of-breed security without impacting business productivity.

Introduction: Encrypting Oracle Workloads becomes Cost-effective and Mandatory

Wikibon believes that implementation of end-to-end encryption databases, and integrating the encryption processes with specialized encryption off-load functions is the only viable path forward for implementing truly secure systems with acceptable encryption overhead.

To be cost effective, systems with advanced offload encryption technologies with very low overheads are an important prerequisite for implementing best-of-breed security without impacting business productivity.

Introduction: Encrypting Oracle Workloads becomes Cost-effective and Mandatory

Wikibon believes that implementation of end-to-end encryption databases, and integrating the encryption processes with specialized encryption off-load functions is the only viable path forward for implementing truly secure systems with acceptable encryption overhead.

To be cost effective, systems with advanced offload encryption technologies with very low overheads are an important prerequisite for implementing best-of-breed security without impacting business productivity.

Cloud "Vendor Revenue" Projections 2015-2026

Wikibon tests three premises in this research: 1/ Individual cloud vendors will find it very difficult to dominate the total enterprise cloud market. 2/ Vendors with reach in multiple segments of the enterprise cloud market, and have lower migration costs to the cloud will prosper best.3/ Using a Cloud “Vendor Revenue” Model allows a better understanding of the cloud market, and an improved ability to project future growth of the cloud markets and vendors.

Enterprise IT executives should expect that the cloud market will remain diverse, with multiple vendors in each cloud segment. Executives should look at two main factors in deciding the strategic approach; workload type and data placement.

Cloud “Vendor Revenue” Projections 2015-2026

Wikibon tests three premises in this research: 1/ Individual cloud vendors will find it very difficult to dominate the total enterprise cloud market. 2/ Vendors with reach in multiple segments of the enterprise cloud market, and have lower migration costs to the cloud will prosper best.3/ Using a Cloud “Vendor Revenue” Model allows a better understanding of the cloud market, and an improved ability to project future growth of the cloud markets and vendors.

Enterprise IT executives should expect that the cloud market will remain diverse, with multiple vendors in each cloud segment. Executives should look at two main factors in deciding the strategic approach; workload type and data placement.

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