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AI is driving the evolution of hyperconverged cloud infrastructure

Artificial intelligence workloads are becoming central to cloud computing. AI is assuming a larger role in optimizing the hyperconverged infrastructures that underpin today’s multiclouds, as well as premises-based “true private clouds” that approximate the public cloud experience. AI-ready storage and compute integration is becoming a core requirement for many enterprise customers. Wikibon sees more solution providers offering […]

AI’s automation flywheel spins greater human productivity

Artificial intelligence-driven automation is taking hold everywhere, though many people fear that this trend will put people out of jobs en masse. How realistic is this worry? Bear in mind that many automation-related vendor announcements highlight a “human-in-the-loop” capability that bodes well for continued employment in the affected industries or professions. Wikibon believes that “human-in-the-loop” […]

App development transformed: Exploring the impact of blockchain on augmented programming

Developer productivity can skyrocket when you have the right people on the right team. Augmenting that productivity increasingly relies on code generation tools that drive DevOps workflows throughout the development organization. Wikibon refers to these as augmented programming tools, though “automatic programming,” “low code,” “no code” and “robotic process automation” also generally fall under this umbrella. The common thread through […]

Bringing probabilistic programming into AI development

When you’re programming an artificial intelligence application, you’re usually building statistical models that output discrete values. Is that image a human face? Whose face is it? Is that face expressing a positive or negative emotion? Does that emotion fall outside the range of those that we would consider typical of this situation, or does it […]

The militarization of AI is coming. Can tech companies (and the rest of us) live with it?

Everybody knows that artificial intelligence is an exceptionally weaponizable technology. So it’s no mystery why militaries everywhere are racing to exploit AI to its maximum potential. Autonomous vehicles, for example, will become the most formidable weapon systems humanity has ever developed. AI gives them the ability to see, hear, sense, and adjust real-time strategies far better […]

Networked digital twins are coming to industrial blockchains

Industrial designers grapple with complexities at every scale and level of detail. They provide the blueprints for everything from sprawling megaprojects all the way down to the ordinary process control mechanisms that are invisible to most of us. In the 21st century, industrial design often involves starting from a digital representation of some physical system to be built. Increasingly, […]

What will it take to bring blockchain to the masses?

Blockchain is all the rage, but for the most part, it has barely begun to enter the mainstream of enterprise computing. Nevertheless, blockchain now has considerable momentum in many industries. To confirm that, all you need to do is check out recent headlines on how many high-tech vendors are bringing the capability into the heart of their […]

Attackers can fool AI programs. Here’s how developers can fight back

Artificial intelligence isn’t all that different from natural intelligence. No matter how smart you are, you can be fooled. If the tricksters are also intelligent at their craft, they can dupe you with well-designed illusions that prey on weaknesses in your perceptual makeup. In the entertainment field, that’s called magic and it can be a […]

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