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Big-data stewardship takes the main stage at DataWorks Summit in Berlin

Big-data repositories hold much of the world’s personally identifiable data. Many data management professionals are now laser-focused on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR, which will take effect in little over a month and will place strict data-stewardship mandates on any enterprise that does business in any of those nations. Since it was founded in […]

Why more tech companies should put AI visionaries in the executive suite

Do enterprises really need chief artificial intelligence officers? In most industries, the correct answer would probably be no. For most businesses, AI may never rise to a level of strategic importance that requires a dedicated executive reporting directly to the chief executive. Even so, some high-tech companies might want to consider it. Elevating an AI expert to […]

New solutions help enterprise data managers cope with GDPR’s heavy hand

Companies everywhere are racing to comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation when it goes into full effect on May 25. GDPR is a legal framework for data processing, movement and use of personal data in the EU, with allowances for data transfers outside the union. The EU designed the regulation to protect the privacy of European […]

AI powers the catalogs of next-generation big data

Data’s relevance doesn’t always jump out at you. It takes work to distill useful insights from enterprise data lakes that are increasingly too large, diverse and dynamic to be explored through entirely manual methods. Discoverability and visibility are what unlocks data’s value. More enterprises are embracing big-data catalogs to harness insights that would otherwise stay […]

New AI systems on a chip will spark an explosion of even smarter devices

Artificial intelligence is permeating everybody’s lives through the face recognition, voice recognition, image analysis and natural language processing capabilities built into their smartphones and consumer appliances. Over the next several years, most new consumer devices will run AI natively, locally and, to an increasing extent, autonomously. But there’s a problem: Traditional processors in most mobile […]

From Amazon to Umbo, big computer vision advances are coming to the edge

Computer vision is an extraordinarily overcrowded tech segment. That’s the inescapable conclusion when you browse Angel List and discover that there are 568 startups and 1,993 investors in this market. Computer vision is the convergence of many hot tech segments, including artificial intelligence, the “internet of things,” stream computing, big data analytics, cloud services and mobile devices. […]

Via Sovrin, IBM supports user-centric global identity on blockchain

User-centric global identity is a dream that won’t die. What it refers to is a universal environment in which people can exchange self-issued digital credentials and rely on their legitimacy without the need for trusted third parties to vouch for and validate them. This vision is a holy grail for libertarians and privacy advocates because it avoids third […]

Can graph databases fulfill the hype? We won’t know for sure until AWS’ Neptune arrives

Graph technology has been the next big thing in the enterprise database market for longer than I can remember. It certainly doesn’t lack for dogged evangelists who tout graph as the silver bullet for practically every advanced computing application. So why hasn’t graph technology broken into the enterprise mainstream? Many major data platform vendors now offer graph-based solutions. But […]

How Hortonworks is weathering the big-data market’s shift away from Hadoop

More often than they like to admit, tech vendors must put on a brave face when they’re groping for a robust growth path. In the big-data arena, that go-to-market messaging approach is very much in evidence among the vendors who pioneered the commercialization of the Hadoop programming framework for storing and processing very large data […]

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