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Oracle Autonomous JSON Takes on Document DBs

The premise of this research is that large enterprises deploying mission-critical applications on Oracle Databases will generally benefit from lower costs of development and operation by using a unified database strategy as a service. More importantly, enterprise developers and operations can develop and deploy next-generation data-driven applications faster.

An illustration of this premise is an evaluation of how developers should handle JSON documents. One choice is to provide the function in a separate document database such as Amazon DocumentDB or MongoDB. The other choice is to integrate an Autonomous JSON document management database into a unified database. Oracle announced this capability at the Oracle Developer Live virtual conference in August 2020.

Wikibon recommends that large organizations running mission-critical Oracle workloads evaluate Oracle UDBMS as the strategic base for the development of future high-value real-time multi-database automation applications.

Wikibon also recommends the evaluation and adoption of the Autonomous JSON Database as a foundation for future application development-centric environments using Oracle Databases.

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