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Wikibon Big Data Analytics Survey: Adoption Maturity by Vertical Market

Maturity by industry is a function of customer and prospect skills, competitive drivers within the industry, the nature of the data in question as well as the complexity of the analytics required, and most importantly the problem that the prospect or customer is trying to solve. Identifying where customers are in their journey and helping them to reach the next level is key to vendor success.

Wikibon Big Data Analytics Survey: Barriers to Adoption by Deployment Status

Both customers and vendors need to prioritize how they address adoption barriers. As with all emerging technologies, a full solution will often require extensive 3rd party participation, such as “data wrangling” and SQL data access tools.

SQL data analysis offerings are maturing rapidly in the areas of application performance under greater user and data volume loads both from the Hadoop distribution vendors as well as 3rd parties. Other barriers, such as a skills gap across many roles, are more intractable. Smaller customers with fewer specialized practitioners in each role should include in their evaluations cloud-based solutions that are fully managed services.

Wikibon Big Data Analytics Survey: Barriers to Adoption by Role

Across all the primary roles involved in adopting Big Data applications, there are basic gaps in product maturity. However, IT leaders and practitioners should keep in mind that Big Data databases are part of a relatively immature ecosystems that requires advanced skills and integration technology in order to operate successfully. The ecosystem is evolving and maturing rapidly and there is a tremendous proliferation of technologies to augment early products.

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