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Wikibon Big Data Analytics Survey: Enterprises Report Enthusiasm Amid Complexity

Steady progress relative to last survey 18 months ago shows pilots and proofs of concept continue conversion into production applications, with 41% reporting one production deployment, up 10%.

– Like all major enterprise technology adoption lifecycles, customers’ ability to deploy software gated by ability to absorb and assimilate complex software.

– Gating factors to higher growth with on-premises Hadoop, specifically, are high administrative overhead and specialized skills requirement.

Two implicit and major implications in disconnect between 100% headline vendor growth and on-the-ground reality.

– Lots of unconsumed software piling up in “inventory” with customers – just like ERP and enterprise Internet infrastructure adoption bubbles in mid-to-late ‘90s; vendors likely pushing larger deals in order to make economics of direct sales work in an era of subscription software without up-front revenue.

– Hidden challengers, especially as Hadoop moves into mainstream: Hadoop-as-a-Service and cloud native services from AWS, Azure, Google are easier to “consume” because of less demanding administrative and skills overhead.

Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Dell Buying EMC

Wikibon is scouring all of the angles on this largest merger in tech history. The reverberations of this acquisition impact the infrastructure and cloud sectors and local business economies both locally (Boston, Austin, Silicon Valley) and globally.

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