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Is the $34B Acquisition of Red Hat a Game Changer for IBM?

From a dollars standpoint, it is a massive deal. It is larger than Microsoft’s LinkedIn ($26.2B) + GitHub ($7.5B), and as a single deal, only Dell’s $67B acquisition of EMC, and Avago’s $37B of Broadcom are bigger. TL/DR: Does this change cloud? Yes for IBM, no for the market as a whole. Does 107 year […]

IBM Buying Red Hat: Will You Trust Big Purple?

Big Blue is buying Red Hat for $34B. The deal should close in the second half of 2019. Is “Big Purple” in your future? Well, that depends on what you think are the answers to these questions: By some estimates, the volume of data increases 10x every two years. How fast is the volume of […]

IBM's Acquisition of Red Hat is a Pivot to Growth…But Many Questions Remain

The Backdrop IBM’s acquisition of Red Hat is a blockbuster designed to accelerate the company’s lagging sales. Here’s a first take on what it means for IBM, Red Hat, the ecosystem and customers. Despite strong IT spending, there were storm clouds on the horizon for both IBM and Red Hat. IBM’s strategy generally and its […]

IBM’s Acquisition of Red Hat is a Pivot to Growth…But Many Questions Remain

The Backdrop IBM’s acquisition of Red Hat is a blockbuster designed to accelerate the company’s lagging sales. Here’s a first take on what it means for IBM, Red Hat, the ecosystem and customers. Despite strong IT spending, there were storm clouds on the horizon for both IBM and Red Hat. IBM’s strategy generally and its […]

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