Formerly known as Wikibon

Breaking Analysis: COVID-19 Drags 2020 Spending Outlook to Minus 5%

COVID-19 Drags 2020 Spending Outlook to Minus 5%. IT spending is now projected to decline by 5% in 2020. This according to the latest survey data and analysis by ETR. While the drop represents a 900 basis swing from 4% consensus growth entering 2020, tech spending remains bifurcated with some suppliers and sectors showing significantly […]

Breaking Analysis: How CIOs and CISOs are Taking the COVID-19 Budget Hit

How CIOs and CISOs are Taking the COVID-19 Budget Hit CIOs and CISOs in some of the hardest hit industries see significant near-term and many permanent shifts to their IT and security strategies. This was the consensus of four technology executives at leading companies that are feeling the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic.  Welcome to […]

Breaking Analysis: CIOs Now Expect Budget Declines of 4% in 2020

COVID-19 Fallout: Latest survey data calls for budget declines of 4% in 2020. In this week’s Breaking Analysis we will update you on the latest spending data from ETR. Last week, we reported ETR results from over 1,100 CIOs and IT practitioners and took the forecast to a slight negative based on CIO expectations at […]

Breaking Analysis: Big Data in the Fight Against COVID-19

The role of big data in the fight against COVID-19. We’ve been reporting weekly on CIO sentiment and the IT spending outlook in the face of coronavirus. We’re tracking a couple of developments from analytic database companies that are notable. Snowflake and Starschema Announce Free Public Data Set Last week, cloud analytic software company Snowflake […]

COVID-19 IT Spending Impact – March 26, 2020

Assessing the COVID-19 IT Spending Impact  In this week’s Breaking Analysis we’re changing the format a bit in an effort to get current information into your hands as soon as possible. Last week, we reported ETR results from over 1,000 CIOs and IT practitioners, and made a call that surprisingly, a large number of respondents – […]

Breaking Analysis: COVID-19 IT Budget Impact 2020

What is COVID-19 IT budget impact for 2020? In this week’s Breaking Analysis we’re going to share fresh data from the latest Enterprise Technology Research spending survey. In particular, ETR added a drill down question to assess the COVID-19 IT budget impact. This week we had the pleasure of hosting ETR Director of Research Sagar […]

Breaking Analysis: Coronavirus – Advice on Running Digital Events

Coronavirus – Advice on Running Digital Events.  Note: Since the date of this report much has changed and our industry is assuming no travel and no f2f contact. Until further notice theCUBE is operating in an all-remote digital format using its call-in video platform. ETR is updating its spending outlook and surveying on the impact […]

Breaking Analysis: Multicloud…Symptom or Cure?

Is multicloud a symptom or a cure? Welcome to this week’s Wikibon CUBE Insights, Powered by ETR. In this Breaking Analysis, we want to dig into the so-called multicloud arena. Some of the questions we get from our community include:  What is multicloud? Do we really need it?  What problems does it solve? What problems […]

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