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Disruptive Trends in Cloud Computing (2015-2025)

As more companies transition into digital businesses, it is critical to understand the business and technology trends that will shape Cloud Computing for the next decade. Wikibon examines the critical elements to help companies understand this rapidly evolving landscape and marketplace.

Transformation of the Storage Channel

Dell’s acquisition of EMC has an immediate impact on the large number of channel partners. Uncertainty over potential product and GTM changes add stress to end of 2015 sales and 2016 planning. This deal simply highlights the known transitions to server-based solutions, flash, (hyper)converged infrastructure, and cloud. The opportunity for the channel is to add more value and partner deeper on solutions that support changing application portfolios and hybrid cloud architectures.

Customer Implications of the Microsoft Red Hat Partnership

Microsoft and Red Hat announced a partnership that brings together greater opportunities for customers to manage Windows and Linux environments, both in Private Cloud and the Microsoft Azure Cloud. This partnership continues to highlight the change in thinking happening in Redmond under the leadership of CEO Satya Nadella.

The Benefits of Converged VDI Appliances

Wikibon research demonstrates that converged application appliances, offer significantly lower costs and faster time-to-value for VDI applications than traditional white-box solutions.

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