Breaking Analysis: What to Expect in Cloud 2022 & Beyond

We’ve often said that the next ten years in cloud computing won’t be like the last ten. Cloud has firmly planted its footprint on the other side of the chasm with the momentum of the entire multi-trillion dollar technology business behind it. Both sellers and buyers are leaning in by adopting cloud technologies and many […]
The Compelling Economic Value of Incomparable Database Performance

Research Premise When Oracle announced the latest X9M generation for Exadata Cloud@Customer, Exadata Database Machine and Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (Recovery Appliance), it radically pushed the database performance envelope to mindboggling heights. Oracle performance specifications are remarkable at ≤19 µs average read latency with more than 27.6 million Oracle Database 8K SQL read IOPS […]
Breaking Analysis: Securing Your Snowflake Cloud Data

The challenges of legacy data warehouses have been well documented. Built on rigid infrastructure and managed by specialized gatekeepers, data warehouses of the past were, as one financial customer once told us, “like a snake swallowing a basketball.” Slide from Wikibon’s 2014 Big Data Capital Markets Event: The amount of data ingested into a data […]
Breaking Analysis: Enterprise Technology Predictions 2022

With Erik Bradley The pandemic has changed the way we think about, and predict the future. As we enter the third year of COVID, we see the significant impact it’s had on technology strategies, spending patterns and company fortunes. Much has changed and while many of these changes were forced reactions to a new abnormal, […]
Breaking Analysis: Cyber, Blockchain and NFTs Meet the Metaverse

When Facebook changed its name to Meta last fall it catalyzed a chain reaction throughout the tech industry. Software firms, gaming companies, chip makers, device manufacturers and others have joined in the hype machine. It’s easy to dismiss the metaverse as futuristic hyperbole, but do we really believe that tapping on a smartphone, staring at […]
Breaking Analysis: Analyst Predictions 2022 — The Future of Data Management

In the 2010s, organizations became keenly aware that data would become the critical ingredient in driving competitive advantage, differentiation and growth. But to this day, putting data to work remains a difficult challenge for many if not most organizations. As the cloud matures it has become a game changer for data practitioners by making cheap […]
Breaking Analysis: Grading our 2021 Technology Predictions

Predictions are all the rage this time of year. On December 29th, 2020, in collaboration with Erik Porter Bradley of Enterprise Technology Research, we put forth our predictions for 2021. The focus of our prognostications included tech spending, remote work, productivity apps, cyber, IPOs, SPACs, M&A, data architecture, cloud, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, AI, containers, automation and […]
Breaking Analysis: Why Oracle Stock is Surging to an All-time High

On Friday, Oracle announced a meaningful earnings beat and strong forward guidance on the strength of its license business; and slightly better than expected cloud performance. The stock rose sharply on the day and closed up nearly 16% surpassing $280B in market value. Oracle’s success is due largely to its execution of a highly differentiated […]
Breaking Analysis: Rise of the Supercloud

Last week’s AWS re:Invent underscored the degree to which cloud computing generally and AWS specifically have impacted the technology landscape. From making infrastructure deployment simpler, to accelerating the pace of innovation, to the formation of the world’s most active and vibrant technology ecosystem; it’s clear that AWS has been the number one force for industry […]