Breaking Analysis: AI goes mainstream but ROI remains elusive

With Andy Thurai, VP & Principal Analyst, Constellation Research A decade of big data investments combined with cloud scalability, the rise of more cost effective processing and the introduction of advanced tooling has catapulted machine intelligence to the forefront of technology investments. No matter what job you have, your operation will be AI powered within five […]
Breaking Analysis: Grading our 2022 enterprise technology predictions

Nailing technology predictions in 2022 was tricky business. Projections on the performance of markets, identifying IPO prospects and making binary forecasts on data, AI, the macro spending climate, along with other related topics in enterprise tech, carried much uncertainty. 2022 was characterized by a seesaw economy where central banks were restructuring their balance sheets, the […]
Breaking Analysis: How Palo Alto Networks became the gold standard of cybersecurity…and what it has to do to stay on top

Palo Alto Networks has earned a reputation as the leader in security. You can measure this in revenue, market cap, execution and, most importantly, conversations with CISOs. The company is on track to double its revenues to nearly $7B in FY23 from FY20. This despite macro headwinds which will likely continue through next year. Palo […]
Breaking Analysis: Cyber firms revert to the mean

While by no means a safe haven, the cybersecurity sector has outpaced the broader tech market by a meaningful margin. That is up until very recently. Cyber security remains the number one technology priority for the c-suite but as we’ve previously reported, the CISO’s budget has constraints; just like other technology investments. Recent trends show […]
Breaking Analysis: re:Invent 2022 marks the next chapter in data & cloud

The ascendency of AWS under the leadership of Andy Jassy was marked by a tsunami of data and corresponding cloud services to leverage data. Those services mainly came in the form of primitives – i.e. basic building blocks that were used by developers to create more sophisticated capabilities. AWS in the 2020s, led by CEO […]
Breaking Analysis: re:Invent 2022 marks the next chapter in data & cloud

The ascendency of AWS under the leadership of Andy Jassy was marked by a tsunami of data and corresponding cloud services to leverage data. Those services mainly came in the form of primitives – i.e. basic building blocks that were used by developers to create more sophisticated capabilities. AWS in the 2020s, led by CEO […]
Breaking Analysis: Snowflake caught in the storm clouds

A better than expected earnings report in late August got people excited about Snowflake again but the negative sentiment in the market has weighed heavily on virtually all growth tech stocks. Snowflake is no exception. As we’ve stressed many times, the company’s management is on a long term mission to simplify the way organizations use […]
Breaking Analysis: Cloudflare’s supercloud…What multi-cloud should have been

Over the past decade, Cloudflare has built a global network that has the potential to become the fourth U.S.-based hyperscale-class cloud. In our view, the company is building a durable revenue model with hooks into many important markets. These include the more mature DDoS protection space, but also extend to growth sectors such as zero […]
Breaking Analysis: Even the cloud is not immune to the seesaw economy

Have you ever driven on the highway and traffic suddenly slows way down? And then after a little while it picks up again and you’re cruising along thinking…ok that was weird but it’s clear sailing now…only to find out in a bit that that traffic is building up again, forcing you to pump the brakes […]